------- Comment #4 from jhaberman at gmail dot com  2010-07-10 01:38 -------
This seems to happen even with POD return types:

int foo();
void bar(int a);

void func() {

In 32-bit mode it spills the return value to the stack for no reason.  It also
seems to overallocate the stack (28 bytes allocated, only 4 used):

00000000 <func>:
   0:   83 ec 1c                sub    esp,0x1c
   3:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   4 <func+0x4>
                        4: R_386_PC32   foo
   8:   89 04 24                mov    DWORD PTR [esp],eax
   b:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   c <func+0xc>
                        c: R_386_PC32   bar
  10:   83 c4 1c                add    esp,0x1c
  13:   c3                      ret    

In 64-bit mode there is no store, but it *does* allocate 8 bytes of stack that
it never uses:

0000000000000000 <func>:
   0:   48 83 ec 08             sub    rsp,0x8
   4:   31 c0                   xor    eax,eax
   6:   e8 00 00 00 00          call   b <func+0xb>
                        7: R_X86_64_PC32        foo+0xfffffffffffffffc
   b:   48 83 c4 08             add    rsp,0x8
   f:   89 c7                   mov    edi,eax
  11:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmp    16 <func+0x16>
                        12: R_X86_64_PC32       bar+0xfffffffffffffffc

Any idea how hard this bug is to fix?



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