------- Comment #3 from raj dot khem at gmail dot com  2010-06-30 21:31 -------
  gcc_assert ((!both_p && !fallback_p)                                          
    4a7c:       16800004        bnez    s4,4a90 <def_builtin_1+0x84>            
    4a80:       02002021        move a0,s0                                      
    4a84:       12c00051        beqz    s6,4bcc <def_builtin_1+0x1c0>    
=================> this jump is taken ============                           
    4a88:       0080a821        move    s5,a0                                   


then it comes here
 libname = name + strlen ("__builtin_");                                        
  decl = add_builtin_function (name, fntype, fncode, fnclass,                   
    4bcc:       afa00010        sw      zero,16(sp)                             
    4bd0:       8fc20070        lw      v0,112(s8)                              
    4bd4:       afa20014        sw      v0,20(sp)                               
    4bd8:       00a02021        move    a0,a1                                   
    4bdc:       00e02821        move    a1,a3                                   
    4be0:       02403021        move    a2,s2                                   
    4be4:       02e03821        move    a3,s7                                   
    4be8:       8f990000        lw      t9,0(gp)                                
    4bec:       0320f809        jalr    t9                                      
    4bf0:       00000000        nop                                             
    4bf4:       8fdc0018        lw      gp,24(s8)                               
    4bf8:       080012e8        j       4ba0 <def_builtin_1+0x194>
====================> this jump takes it back to failing assignment             
    4bfc:       00408821        move    s1,v0                                   


  built_in_decls[(int) fncode] = decl;                                          
    4ba0:       00151080        sll     v0,s5,0x2                               
    4ba4:       8f830000        lw      v1,0(gp)                                
    4ba8:       00621021        addu    v0,v1,v0                                
    4bac:       ac510000        sw      s1,0(v0)  ====================> dies
here because this is invalid address in v0 now

in cases where the first branch is not taken it goes into

             || !strncmp (name, "__builtin_",                                   
                           strlen ("__builtin_")));                             

  libname = name + strlen ("__builtin_");                                       
  decl = add_builtin_function (name, fntype, fncode, fnclass,                   
    4ad4:       0240a821        move    s5,s2                                   
    4ad8:       00001021        move    v0,zero                                 
    4adc:       0276100b        movn    v0,s3,s6                                
    4ae0:       afa20010        sw      v0,16(sp)                               
    4ae4:       8fc20070        lw      v0,112(s8)                              
    4ae8:       afa20014        sw      v0,20(sp)                               
    4aec:       02002021        move    a0,s0                                   
    4af0:       02202821        move    a1,s1                                   
    4af4:       02403021        move    a2,s2                                   
    4af8:       02e03821        move    a3,s7                                   
    4afc:       8f990000        lw      t9,0(gp)                                
    4b00:       0320f809        jalr    t9                                      
    4b04:       00000000        nop                                             
    4b08:       8fdc0018        lw      gp,24(s8)                               

as you can see first instruction moves s2 into s5 and s2 holds the right value
so it works ok.



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