------- Comment #8 from redi at gcc dot gnu dot org  2010-06-30 11:08 -------
(In reply to comment #7)
> > > I tried putting them in the gcc-4.5.0 directory and I tried installing 
> > > them
> > > from my distro, but neither of these worked to fix the error.
> > 
> > You need to rename them to just "gmp" instead of "gmp-4.3.2" etc.
> I tried this, but now I get an error when running make for gcc that it can't
> find gmp-impl.h and longlong.h, even though these exist in the gmp directory
> which I made.

Then you're doing something wrong.

> > But I really suggest you figure out how to install the libraries from 
> > Ubuntu's
> > packages, it will save you a lot of effort.  You could also try the gcc-help
> > mailing list, since I'm fairly sure this is user error, not a bug in gcc.
> > 
> I really want to use the package manager to install this, but gcc-4.5.0 does
> not seem to be available as an upgrade for my version of gcc in the package
> manager I have.

No, but libgmp3-dev, libmpfr-dev and libmpc-dev are available, and if you had
installed them then you would have been able to build gcc a lot more easily. 
It might be too late, if you've installed them yourself and didn't know what
you were doing you might have various broken installations on your system.  Or
they might be fine and you just need to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

I suggest you delete the whole gcc-4.5.0 directory, as you might have made a
mess of it. Then either install the gmp, mpfr and mpc dev Ubuntu packages OR
set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to find your existing installations (if you sure they're
installed OK). Then unzip the gcc sources again, but this time follow the
advice at http://gcc.gnu.org/install/configure.html and do not run configure
and make in the gcc-4.5.0 directory:

tar xzvf gcc-4.5.0.tar.gz
mkdir build
cd build

Now if it goes wrong you can just remove the 'build' directory and leave the
gcc-4.5.0 source directory untouched.

I'm going to close this bug, since it does seem to be user error not a gcc bug.

Either use LD_LIBRARY_PATH or re-install the gmp/mpfr/mpc libs from your
package manager.

If you still have problems, seek help on an Ubuntu forum or the gcc-help
mailing list.


redi at gcc dot gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED
         Resolution|                            |INVALID


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