------- Comment #17 from ro at CeBiTec dot Uni-Bielefeld dot DE  2010-06-07 
16:32 -------
Subject: Re:  [4.4/4.5/4.6 Regression] gcc trunk 143562 - Testsuite - gfortran
failing tests that worked previously

I've now analysed this further: the test only fails at -O3.  The failure
is an abort in l.23:

      DDA1 = ATAN2 ((/(REAL(J1,KV),J1=1,10)/),
     $                 REAL((/(J1,J1=nf10,nf1,mf1)/), KV))   !fails
      DDA2 = ATAN2 (DDA, DDA(10:1:-1))
      if (any (DDA1 .ne. DDA2)) call abort ()

Investigating with gdb, I find that only the 10th array element differs:

(gdb ) p dda1
$1 = (0.0996686518, 0.218668953, 0.358770669, 0.519146085, 0.694738269,
0.876058042, 1.05165017, 1.21202564, 1.35212743, 1.47112763)
(gdb) p dda2
$2 = (0.0996686518, 0.218668953, 0.358770669, 0.519146085, 0.694738269,
0.876058042, 1.05165017, 1.21202564, 1.35212743, 8.40779079e-45)

I've verified that atan2f is called with exactly the same input sequence
in both cases.  The problem is that at -O0 (and probably up to -O2),
atan2f is called 2 x 10 times as expected, and atan2f only appears twice
in the assembler output.

On the other hand, at -O3 the second time through, atan2f(1.0) isn't
called.  Instead, the loop is unrolled, but incorrectly, it seems: there
are now only19 calls to atan2f in the assembler output.




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