------- Comment #1 from jv244 at cam dot ac dot uk  2010-05-16 06:57 -------
reduced testcase:

module mod_tetgen
  use iso_c_binding
  type tetgenio
     double precision, pointer :: pointlist(:,:)
     integer :: numberoffacets = 0
  end type tetgenio
  subroutine tetgenf( in, out )
    type(tetgenio), target, intent(in)    :: in
    type(tetgenio), target, intent(inout) :: out
    call tetcall(inhandle, outhandle,     &
         c_loc(in%pointlist), &
  end subroutine tetgenf
end module mod_tetgen

#0  0x000000000056f9eb in gfc_conv_procedure_call (se=0x7fff0f31c1a0,
sym=0x13f0400, arg=0x13f3f10, expr=0x13f44b0, append_args=0x0) at
#1  0x00000000005702ba in gfc_conv_function_expr (se=0x7fff0f31c1a0,
expr=0x13f44b0) at /data03/vondele/gcc_trunk/gcc/gcc/fortran/trans-expr.c:3792
#2  0x000000000056a798 in gfc_conv_expr_reference (se=0x13f40f0,
expr=0x13f0400) at /data03/vondele/gcc_trunk/gcc/gcc/fortran/trans-expr.c:4582
#3  0x000000000056ed56 in gfc_conv_procedure_call (se=0x7fff0f31c830,
sym=0x13f38e0, arg=0x13f3850, expr=0x0, append_args=0x0) at
#4  0x000000000058b9f3 in gfc_trans_call (code=0x13f4990, dependency_check=0
'\0', mask=0x0, count1=0x0, invert=0 '\0') at
#5  0x000000000054864f in trans_code (code=0x13f4990, cond=0x0) at
#6  0x00000000005624c7 in gfc_generate_function_code (ns=0x13f2740) at
#7  0x0000000000547c3a in gfc_generate_module_code (ns=0x13e5530) at
#8  0x000000000050d45c in gfc_parse_file () at
#9  0x0000000000544f7d in gfc_be_parse_file (set_yydebug=<value optimized out>)
at /data03/vondele/gcc_trunk/gcc/gcc/fortran/f95-lang.c:239


jv244 at cam dot ac dot uk changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEW
     Ever Confirmed|0                           |1
      Known to fail|                            |4.4.4 4.5.1 4.6.0
   Last reconfirmed|0000-00-00 00:00:00         |2010-05-16 06:58:00
               date|                            |


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