------- Comment #15 from kargl at gcc dot gnu dot org  2010-04-24 18:03 -------
(In reply to comment #14)
> (In reply to comment #13)
> > For even more completeness, the code in comment #12 is still
> > invalid.
> do you mind to clarify ?

pos is undefined.

Here's the testcase I will be committing.module fft_tools
  implicit none
  integer, parameter :: lp = 8
  subroutine sparse_alltoall (rs, rq, rcount)
    complex(kind=lp), dimension(:, :), pointer :: rs, rq
    integer, dimension(:) :: rcount
    integer :: pos
    pos = 1
    if (rcount(pos) /= 0) then
       rq(1:rcount(pos),pos) = rs(1:rcount(pos),pos)
    end if
  end subroutine sparse_alltoall
end module fft_tools



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