------- Comment #11 from jv244 at cam dot ac dot uk  2010-02-16 09:22 -------
(In reply to comment #10)
> (In reply to comment #6)
> Joost,
> I held back from committing the patch this morning because I noticed that your
> testcase below is also calling pack/unpack like it is going out of business. 
> I have to confess that I looked into this because one of the maintainers
> (Dominique, I think) asked me if I understood the fix to this segfault.  My
> off-the-cuff response was CLASSes but I see that this cannot entirely be the
> case.  In investigating, I found these extra temporaries and have eliminated
> them.  However, I did not have time to regtest and get the new patch to you.

Hi Paul

not sure I understand your full reply. However, for the testcase below, I guess
there have to be pack/unpacks, since newuob has an implicit interface and
optstate%w(i:) is a slice from a 'pointer array', and thus packing is needed to
guarantee things are contiguous. But I'm sure you know :-)

Having said that, there is no pressure from my side to commit patches. Just
commit whenever you think they are in good shape, ready, understood...


> > MODULE powell
> >   INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp=8
> >   TYPE opt_state_type
> >     REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER  :: w
> >   END TYPE opt_state_type
> >   SUBROUTINE newuoa (n,x,optstate)
> >     TYPE(opt_state_type)                     :: optstate
> >     CALL newuob (optstate%w(ixb:),optstate%w(ixo:),&
> >          optstate%w(ivl:),optstate%w(iw:),optstate)
> >   END SUBROUTINE newuoa
> > END MODULE powell
> > 



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