------- Comment #2 from davek at gcc dot gnu dot org  2010-01-21 03:57 -------
Here's what's going on:

- To implement operator new/delete replacement, we use ld and --wrap to
redirect all references to the operator functions into redirection stubs in the
cygwin dll.

- Each DLL or executable records a list of which (if any) of those operators it
provides replacements for.  It does this with an array of function pointers in
a part of the CRT pre-main() startup.  In the array are weak references to all
the replaceable operators; any for which overrides are visible at final-link
time will get filled out with the addresses of those overrides, and the
weakness of the references means they won't cause any functions that aren't
already present in the final link to be pulled in from libraries.  The
references assign asm names to the symbols that use the "__real__" prefix in
order that they don't see the Cygwin DLL wrapper functions, just the real
actual implementations present.

- As an optimisation, we don't apply the wrapper redirection when linking
statically.  That's because there's no need; any function replacement overrides
present in the final link will just automatically override the libstdc++
versions by preventing them from ever being pulled out of the static libstdc++
archive at final-link time.

That's all fine as it stands, but:-

- Some recent optimisation of EH generation had the effect that, where
previously every C++ object was always emitted with a reference to the gxx eh
personality function, this reference is now only emitted when strictly needed.

- This means that for the first time it became possible that the only
references to libstdc++ in a C++ executable undergoing final link might be
references to the operator new/delete function(s).

- Since these are all redirected to the wrappers in the Cygwin DLL, that can
mean there are no unresolved references to pull in anything at all from the
libstdc++ import library, and so the resulting executable does not depend on
nor cause the libstdc++ dll to be loaded into memory, meaning that the real
versions of the replacement functions that the redirect stubs need to redirect
to aren't present!

- So, the way to prevent that is by also emitting an extern reference to the
real version of the operator function in question, which causes the DLL to be
imported (even though the imports aren't used directly but only via the
redirection stubs in the DLL; the important point being that you have to load
libstdc++ so that it can register the default versions of all the operators
using its own array of weak (but fully-filled-out) function pointers.  This is
done in gcc/config/i386/winnt.c, in i386_pe_file_end().

- And that's where it goes wrong.  The compiler doesn't know at the time it's
emitting assembly whether the final object will be statically linked or not, so
it really has no choice but to emit the reference; but if it does end up being
statically linked, the wrappers aren't in effect, so there is no "__real__*"

-  That wouldn't be a problem: the toolchain doesn't care about the undefined
symbol, because no relocs reference it, and the runtime loader doesn't give a
stuff about symbols at all, caring only about the import and export tables.

- Except for one final gotcha.  Because the undefined references that are
emitted to cause the DLL to be loaded are strong undefs - they have to be,
since they have to cause an import stub to be pulled in from a library archive.
 So even though there are no relocs in the object that contains the strong
undef, it has the knock-on effect that the weak references in the array of
function pointers become strong.  And that's where the link failure arises.



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