------- Comment #27 from hubicka at ucw dot cz  2010-01-19 10:48 -------
Subject: Re:  [4.5 regression] ICE in
        function_and_variable_visibility with static common vars.

> The problem is that the ICE-on-valid occurs while building the Ada RTS, and
> that is a bootstrap issue for Ada (what I mean is, a build configured with
> "--enable-languages=foo,ada" will fail).
Does it happen also with the reduced version of the patch I comitted to
I can't imagine how this one can trigger ICE, but it might be independent
change in
meantime as I was slow on fixing this bug :(
Does the reduced testcase also trigger it? (I will try it on cross, since
useful backtrace I can't do much).  I proofread the other part of patch but
see anything obviously wrong here.




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