------- Comment #5 from janus at gcc dot gnu dot org  2009-12-01 22:09 -------
Btw: The example in comment #1 is affected by PR41829, which can be avoided by
moving the subroutine 'rescale' to the main program. However, this still fails
(also with the patch from comment #3):

module foo_module
 implicit none
 public :: foo

 type ,abstract :: foo
   procedure(times_interface) ,deferred :: times
   procedure(assign_interface) ,deferred :: assign
   generic :: operator(*) => times
   generic :: assignment(=) => assign
 end type

 abstract interface
   function times_interface(this,factor) result(product)
     import :: foo
     class(foo) ,intent(in) :: this
     class(foo) ,allocatable :: product
     real, intent(in) :: factor
   end function
   subroutine assign_interface(lhs,rhs)
     import :: foo
     class(foo) ,intent(inout) :: lhs
     class(foo) ,intent(in) :: rhs
   end subroutine
 end interface

end module

module bar_module
 use foo_module ,only : foo
 implicit none
 public :: bar

 type ,extends(foo) :: bar
   real :: x=1.
   procedure :: times => times_bar
   procedure :: assign => assign_bar
 end type

 subroutine assign_bar(lhs,rhs)
   class(bar) ,intent(inout) :: lhs
   class(foo) ,intent(in) :: rhs
   select type(rhs)
     type is (bar)
       lhs%x = rhs%x
   end select
 end subroutine
 function times_bar(this,factor) result(product)
   class(bar) ,intent(in) :: this
   real, intent(in) :: factor
   class(foo), allocatable :: product
   select type(this)
     type is (bar)
       select type(product)
         type is(bar)
           product%x = this%x*factor
       end select
   end select
 end function
end module

program main
 use foo_module ,only : foo
 use bar_module ,only : bar
 implicit none
 type(bar) :: unit
 call rescale(unit,3.141592654)
 subroutine rescale(this,scale)
   class(foo) ,intent(inout) :: this
   real, intent(in) :: scale
   this = this*scale            ! undefined reference to ...
 end subroutine
end program 



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