------- Comment #1 from jv244 at cam dot ac dot uk 2009-11-26 19:11 ------- pretty similar in this case
> gfortran -c -fgraphite-identity -g -O3 -ffast-math bug.f90 bug.f90 bug.f90: In function psi: bug.f90:4:0: internal compiler error: gimple check: expected gimple_assign(error_mark), have gimple_nop() in gimple_assign_rhs_code, at gimple.h:1820 Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source if appropriate. See <http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions. bug.f90: In function psi: bug.f90:4:0: internal compiler error: gimple check: expected gimple_assign(error_mark), have gimple_nop() in gimple_assign_rhs_code, at gimple.h:1820 Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source if appropriate. > cat bug.f90 MODULE beta_gamma_psi INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp=KIND(0.0D0) CONTAINS FUNCTION psi(xx) RESULT(fn_val) REAL(dp) :: aug, den, dx0 = 1.461632144968362341262659542325721325e0_dp, & p1(7) = (/ .895385022981970e-02_dp, .477762828042627e+01_dp, & .142441585084029e+03_dp, .118645200713425e+04_dp, & .363351846806499e+04_dp,.413810161269013e+04_dp, & -.648157123766197e+00_dp /), piov4 = .785398163397448e0_dp, q1(6) = (/ & .448452573429826e+02_dp, .520752771467162e+03_dp, & .221000799247830e+04_dp, .364127349079381e+04_dp, & .546117738103215e+02_dp, .777788548522962e+01_dp /) DO i = 1, 5 den = (den + q1(i)) * x upper = (upper + p1(i+1)) * x END DO aug = upper / (den + q2(4)) - 0.5e0_dp / x + aug 350 fn_val = aug + LOG(x) END FUNCTION psi END MODULE beta_gamma_psi -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=42185