------- Comment #11 from kargl at gcc dot gnu dot org  2009-11-15 18:38 -------
Jerry, I added 

@@ -56,11 +55,11 @@ get_array_index (gfc_array_ref *ar, mpz_
   for (i = 0; i < ar->dimen; i++)
       e = gfc_copy_expr (ar->start[i]);
-      re = gfc_simplify_expr (e, 1);
+      gfc_simplify_expr (e, 1);

       if ((gfc_is_constant_expr (ar->as->lower[i]) == 0)
          || (gfc_is_constant_expr (ar->as->upper[i]) == 0)
-         || (gfc_is_constant_expr (e) == 0))
+         /*|| (gfc_is_constant_expr (e) == 0)*/)
        gfc_error ("non-constant array in DATA statement %L", &ar->where);

@@ -313,6 +314,10 @@ gfc_assign_data_value (gfc_expr *lvalue,
            mpz_set (offset, index);

+gmp_printf ("offset: %Zd\n", offset);
+if (lvalue->ts.type == BT_DERIVED)
+  mpz_add_ui (offset, offset, 1);

in data.c to see the computed offset values.  The first chunk comments out
a check for a constant ar->start[] value, so that I get back to where 
get_data_index is called.  For this code 

  implicit none

  type :: a
     real :: x(3)
  end type a

  integer, parameter :: n = 3

  type(a) :: b(n)

  real, parameter :: d1(3) = (/1., 2., 3./)
  real, parameter :: d2(3) = (/4., 5., 6./)
  real, parameter :: d3(3) = (/7., 8., 9./)

  integer :: i, z(n)

  data (b(i), i = 1, n) /a(d1), a(d2), a(d3)/
  data (z(i), i = 1, n) / 1, 2, 3/

  print *, z(1), b(1)
  print *, z(2), b(2)
  print *, z(3), b(3)

I get

REMOVE:kargl[248] gfc4x -o z pr41807.f90
offset: 0
offset: 1
offset: 2
offset: 0
offset: -1
offset: -1
REMOVE:kargl[249] ./z
           1   7.0000000       8.0000000       9.0000000    
           2   1.0000000       2.0000000       3.0000000    
           3   0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000    

The first 3 offset values is from the data statement for the 
z(3) array.  The next 3 are for the array b(3) of the derived
type a.  My conclusion to this point is that the array spec for
an array of a derived type is not properly set, or we're looking
at the wrong array spec.


kargl at gcc dot gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |sgk at troutmask dot apl dot
                   |                            |washington dot edu


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