------- Comment #2 from mwarshofsk at aol dot com 2009-09-29 19:24 ------- This is the method where I am receiving the compiler error:
enum err_stat EJPeriod::rollup( List<EmplJob> &src, List<EJPeriod> &dst, Date &startDt, Date &endDt ) { // then theres a bunch of code // and then the offending line is the one below starting w/EJPeriod if( srcSize == 1 ) { EJPeriod ejptmp( startDt, endDt, src(0)->get_job_title_mgmt_ind() ); dst.add( new EJPeriod( ejptmp ) ); return( Success ); } The object named "src" is a home grown template linked list class. -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=41508