------- Comment #6 from laurent at guerby dot net  2009-09-08 09:57 -------
Here is a minimal Ada testcase:

-- file: pp.ads
with Ada.Finalization;
package Pp is

   type R is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
   end record;

   procedure P (S : in String);

end Pp;
-- file: pp.adb
package body Pp is

   function F return R is
      X : R;
      return X;
   end F;

   procedure P (S : in String) is
      S1 : constant String := S & ASCII.Nul;
      X : R;
      X := F;
   end P;

end Pp;
-- end file

/home/guerby/build/./gcc/xgcc -B/home/guerby/build/./gcc/
-c  -O1 -g    ~/trunk/gcc/ada/pp.adb
/home/guerby/trunk/gcc/ada/pp.adb: In function 'Pp.P':
/home/guerby/trunk/gcc/ada/pp.adb:9:4: error: expected an SSA_NAME object
/home/guerby/trunk/gcc/ada/pp.adb:9:4: error: in statement
# DEBUG pp__p__TTS17bSP1___L => L16b
+===========================GNAT BUG DETECTED==============================+
| 4.5.0 20090907 (experimental) [trunk revision 151474]
(armv5tel-unknown-linux-gnueabi) GCC error:|
| verify_ssa failed                                                        |
| Error detected around /home/guerby/trunk/gcc/ada/pp.adb:9:4              |

Interestingly if I remove the "-g" the ICE disappears.



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