------- Comment #9 from jvdelisle at gcc dot gnu dot org  2009-09-04 20:16 
Putting the standards discussion aside, this test case actually uncovered a
real bug.  In list_read.c, eat_line does nothing for internal units.

If the test had used a real file, the comment would have been skipped and we
would have never heard about this problem.  The following patch I have
regression tested and will commit after labor day.

Index: list_read.c
--- list_read.c (revision 151156)
+++ list_read.c (working copy)
@@ -287,10 +287,10 @@ static void
 eat_line (st_parameter_dt *dtp)
   char c;
-  if (!is_internal_unit (dtp))
-    do
-      c = next_char (dtp);
-    while (c != '\n');
+  do
+    c = next_char (dtp);
+  while (c != '\n');



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