------- Comment #25 from howarth at nitro dot med dot uc dot edu  2009-09-02 
23:37 -------
   I double checked and using tentative_cc doesn't results in a failure in
configure at...

checking for correct version of gmp.h... yes
checking for correct version of mpfr.h... yes
checking for the correct version of mpc.h... no
checking for the correct version of the gmp/mpfr libraries... no
configure: error: Building GCC requires GMP 4.2+ and MPFR 2.3.2+.
Try the --with-gmp and/or --with-mpfr options to specify their locations.
Copies of these libraries' source code can be found at their respective
hosting sites as well as at ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/infrastructure/.
See also http://gcc.gnu.org/install/prerequisites.html for additional info.
If you obtained GMP and/or MPFR from a vendor distribution package, make
sure that you have installed both the libraries and the header files.
They may be located in separate packages.

Only if I use CC like the Apple gcc's configure does the -m32 get passed all
the way
through to the gmp test. There must have been a reason why Apple used CC rather
tentative_cc here.



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