Where it says: Enabled at level `-O0'. When disabled explicitly, it also imply `-fno-section-anchors' that is otherwise enabled at `-O0' on some targets.
Firstly, "imply" should be "implies". Secondly, what does "disabling" the option mean ("When disabled explicitly...") - does it mean using "ftoplevel-reordering" (enabling reordering), in which case wouldn't it be better to say "When top-level reordering is enabled explicitly..." or "When -ftoplevel-reordering is used..." and be less ambiguous (and avoid the double negative)? Thirdly, "it also imply `-fno-section-anchors' that is otherwise enabled at `-O0' on some targets" seems to use the opposite interpretation of "enabled" compared to the paragraph above (unless I'm getting it wrong). What it's trying to say is that -fno-toplevel-reorder implies -fno-section-anchors which is otherwise *disabled* on some targets, i.e. some targets otherwise assume -fsection-anchors). -- Summary: Documentation for "-fno-toplevel-reorder" is confusing (and wrong) Product: gcc Version: 4.4.1 Status: UNCONFIRMED Severity: trivial Priority: P3 Component: driver AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org ReportedBy: davmac at davmac dot org http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=41179