------- Comment #1 from hjl dot tools at gmail dot com 2009-08-25 04:40 ------- The complete error is
chgpen.fppized.f:2107.56: * 1X,'INITIAL VALUE OF CHISQ =',1P,E17.10,0P/ 1 Error: Comma required after P descriptor in format string at (1) chgpen.fppized.f:2111.57: * 1X,'ENDING VALUE OF CHISQ =',1P,E17.10,0P/ 1 Error: Comma required after P descriptor in format string at (1) chgpen.fppized.f:1884.20: WRITE(IW,410) NV,NVA,NFLAT,ALPHA,BETA,GAMMA,CHISQ, 1 Error: FORMAT label 410 at (1) not defined chgpen.fppized.f:2075.22: WRITE(IW,1240) NF,CHISQ,(XVAL(J),J=1,NV) 1 Error: FORMAT label 1240 at (1) not defined -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=41162