------- Comment #1 from jwakely dot gcc at gmail dot com  2009-08-04 12:35 
I think you're right that this is a bug, this is a slightly reduced testcase
showing the same error:
template<typename T>
struct make { static T&& it(); };

void (*pf)(int&) = 0;

template< typename T >
int bar(T const& x,
        decltype( pf(make<T const&>::it()) )* = 0 // SFINAE!
        ) {
    return 1;

int bar(...) {
    return 0;

int main() {
    return bar(42);

I think this should compile and return 0


jwakely dot gcc at gmail dot com changed:

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                 CC|                            |jwakely dot gcc at gmail dot
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