------- Comment #49 from lucier at math dot purdue dot edu  2009-04-23 15:58 
With 4.4.0 and with mainline this code now runs in 280 ms instead of in 156 ms
with 4.2.4.

Since 280/156 = 1.794871794871795 I changed the subject line (the slowdown is
now not completely caused by r118475).

I guess I'll post the assembly code generated by 4.4.0 in the next attachment.

Timings (best of three runs) for the last

(time (direct-fft-recursive-4 a table))


 gsi/gsi -e '(define a (time (expt 3 10000000)))(define b (time (* a a)))'

With gcc-4.1.2:

    188 ms cpu time (188 user, 0 system)

With gcc-4.2.4

    156 ms cpu time (152 user, 4 system)

With gcc-4.3.3:

    180 ms cpu time (180 user, 0 system)

With gcc-4.4.0

    280 ms cpu time (280 user, 0 system)

With 4.5.0 20090423 (experimental) [trunk revision 146634]

    280 ms cpu time (280 user, 0 system)


lucier at math dot purdue dot edu changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|[4.3/4.4/4.5 Regression] 30%|[4.3/4.4/4.5 Regression] 79%
                   |performance slowdown in     |performance slowdown in
                   |floating-point code caused  |floating-point code
                   |by  r118475                 |partially caused by  r118475


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