------- Comment #27 from rob1weld at aol dot com  2009-04-11 02:27 -------
(In reply to comment #26)
> <<
> We still have the issue that all Platforms accept the (usually non-default)
> ./configure option "--enable-sjlj-exceptions" which leads to this Bug
> on supported Platforms (and leads us down the path of breaking that Option).
> >>
>No, platforms that do not use ZCX with GNAT use GNAT's front-end setjmp/longjmp
> implementation, which is completely different from GCC's sjlj exception
> (--enable-sjlj-exceptions related to GCC sjlj, not GNAT's fe setjmp/longjmp),
> so once again, these platforms are not affected by this bug, only windows is.

OK, multiple exception handling mechanisms. I became 'at odds with helpfulness'
somewhere around comment #21. I only used that Option since OpenBSD Ports
had used it (and without quoting OpenBSD source, and their license, they
seem to use that option if Java is being built) otherwise I would have not
included it.

> Anyway, if "someone" (e.g. Richard Guenther, who apparently introduced it)
> can fix this bug, that'd be great, I think this on the side discussion is
> only generating noise and confusion at this point.
I did "CC" him on this when I mentioned him in comment #7 but someone
removed him from the "CC". In comment #14 I left open the possibility
that someone might be paid by their Employer to fix this (or desire to
fix _their_ OS) and I don't want to steal food from their mouth.

Comment #25 (my last post) seemed valid as someone else had reported
a workaround (and not a fix), that is all that tempted me to make this
thread longer. I will refrain from further comment until either I
have a "fix" _or_ I thank one of you for fixing this (Language that I
do not use, on an OS that I do not use). I was thinking of the welfare
of others (and gcc) too much,




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