------- Comment #3 from b07584 at freescale dot com 2009-04-08 17:46 ------- (In reply to comment #0) > This testcase: > > #define debug(format, ...) format, ## __VA_ARGS__) > debug(X); > debug(Y, 1, 2); > debug(Y, 1, 2 ); > debug(Z, ); > debug(W,); > > Should preprocess to: > > X); > Y, 1, 2); > Y, 1, 2); > Z, ); > W, ); > > not: > > X); > Y, 1, 2); > Y, 1, 2); > Z,); > W,); > > > Z/W should have spaces. > Chris, I want to make sure I understand what you are saying. With:
#define debug(format, ...) format, ## __VA_ARGS__) For the the invocation: debug(X); - the argument is omitted and hence the comma preceeding ## in the body is removed in accordance with GNU CPP's extended semantics, yielding: X); In contrast, for the invocations: debug(Z, ); debug(W,); when you say, the output ought to be: Z, ); W, ); - is it because a space preceeds the ## in the macro definition (i.e. body)? So, if the definition were to be: #define debug(format, ...) format,## __VA_ARGS__) instead, then: debug(Z, ); debug(W,); preprocessing to: Z,); W,); would be OK? This reasoning about the appearance (or non-appearance) of space is similar to Neil's explanation in the Cpplib Internals manual (for GCC version 4.4.0) in the section Token Spacing: #define add(x, y, z) x + y +z sum = add (1,2, 3) preprocesses to: sum = 1 + 2 +3 However in the case at hand, per ISO/IEC 9899:TC2 Committee Draft May 6, 2005 WG14/N1124, "The ## operator", constraint 2: "... however, if an argument consists of no preprocessing tokens, the parameter is replaced by a placemarker preprocessing token instead." Further, in constraint 3: "... concatenation of a placemarker with a non-placemarker preprocessing token results in the non-placemarker preprocessing token." By that, the expansion sequence for (say): debug(Z, ); (with the first definition - i.e. the one with a space before the ##) would be: debug(Z, ); -> format, ## __VA_ARGS__) (CPP_COMMA gets the PASTE_LEFT flag set, and <placemarker> is only conceptually depicted per constraint 2) -> CPP_NAME CPP_COMMA[PASTE_LEFT] <placemarker> CPP_CLOSE_PAREN CPP_SEMICOLON (per constraint 3, CPP_COMMA and <placemarker> concatenate to CPP_COMMA) -> CPP_NAME CPP_COMMA CPP_CLOSE_PAREN CPP_SEMICOLON So, the space before the ## does not make it to the expansion because this is the paste operation in operation - as it proceeds normally. Or perhaps, I am missing something? Kindly explain. Thanks. -- b07584 at freescale dot com changed: What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC| |b07584 at freescale dot com http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=35010