The following testcase errors while reloading the asms with -O3 -m32 or -O3 -m32 -DOMIT_FRAME_POINTER -fomit-frame-pointer since r139993 (before that it worked even with IRA, after that -fno-ira cured it while we still had it). I agree mplayer pushes the limits a little bit too far by having so many "m" and "=m" constraints, on the other side e.g. in baz when it is inlined none of the asms actually need any registers to reload them, all the mems are actually s[012345] + some small constant, so on i386 all of them can be expanded as s0+16 and similar. In the *.optimized dump they are still constants, wonder why during expand we decide to force all the MEM addresses into registers.
-- Summary: [4.4 Regression] Reload failure on mplayer from SVN Product: gcc Version: 4.4.0 Status: UNCONFIRMED Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: rtl-optimization AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org ReportedBy: jakub at gcc dot gnu dot org GCC target triplet: i686-linux