------- Comment #3 from ktietz at gcc dot gnu dot org  2009-03-06 15:12 -------
Well, the issues in driver seems to be related to pexecute in protoize.c. On a
first glance, I noticed that here for pid's an 'int' type is used (btw in
libiberty a 'long' is used for keeping the pids, which is for w64 incorrect,
The problem is, that pid_t has to have a scalar size on w64 of 64-bits.


ktietz at gcc dot gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |ktietz at gcc dot gnu dot
                   |                            |org
         AssignedTo|unassigned at gcc dot gnu   |ktietz at gcc dot gnu dot
                   |dot org                     |org
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |ASSIGNED
     Ever Confirmed|0                           |1
   Last reconfirmed|0000-00-00 00:00:00         |2009-03-06 15:12:19
               date|                            |


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