At -O2 -fno-tree-sra we compute y.p as pointing to nothing. Which causes the abort to trigger on alias-improvements branch.
struct X { long l1; struct Y { long l2; int *p; } y; }; int i; int foo (struct X *x) { struct Y y = x->y; *y.p = 0; i = 1; return *y.p; } extern void abort (void); int main() { struct X x; x.y.p = &i; if (foo(&x) != 1) abort (); return 0; } -- Summary: wrong PTA for structure copies Product: gcc Version: 4.4.0 Status: UNCONFIRMED Keywords: wrong-code, alias Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: tree-optimization AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org ReportedBy: rguenth at gcc dot gnu dot org