------- Comment #7 from burnus at gcc dot gnu dot org  2009-01-17 09:18 -------
(In reply to comment #6)
> I'd say re-adding that symbol until you change libgfortran ABI wouldn't hurt
> anything, but if you can prove no program could ever use it except for
> referencing directly that symbol, I guess I can live with a WONTFIX too.

The symbol was added with Rev. 126185 (2007-07-01) and removed with Rev. 135877
(2008-05-25). The first SoC 2008 proc pointer patch was Rev. 137386 on

However, I just saw that due to missing argument checking the following works
in gfortran 4.3:

use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr) :: fun
integer, pointer :: bar
call c_f_funpointer(fun,bar) ! <<< Invalid; should be C_F_POINTER

The program is *invalid* as c_f_funpointer is for FUN(ction) pointers - for
normal pointers, one shall use c_f_pointer - but due to missing argument
checking it was accepted.

As one cannot rule out that some invalid program uses c_f_funpointer, I will
submit a patch which re-adds it. (I think the probability that c_f_funpointer
is used is extremely low, though.)


burnus at gcc dot gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         AssignedTo|unassigned at gcc dot gnu   |burnus at gcc dot gnu dot
                   |dot org                     |org
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |ASSIGNED
     Ever Confirmed|0                           |1
   Last reconfirmed|0000-00-00 00:00:00         |2009-01-17 09:18:22
               date|                            |


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