------- Comment #6 from dave dot korn dot cygwin at gmail dot com  2009-01-16 
13:41 -------
(In reply to comment #5)

> If you look at the (static) libgcc.a,  when shared libs are enabled, it
> contains only symbols that are not exported from the shared dll. Only the
> 'API-stable' symbols are exported.  That is a good thing.  So the libgcc.a 
> code
>  does not duplicate any code in libgcc_s.[a|dll].

  Sorry Danny, I don't understand.  I think what you're saying is that

    shared linking: libgcc_s.dll.a + libgcc.a

supplies the same overall set of symbols as

    static linking: libgcc_eh.a + libgcc.a

since if libgcc.a only contains stuff that is not exported from the DLL, then
-static-libgcc would fail - unless everything that is exported from the DLL is
available statically in libgcc_eh.a, which implies that the DLL could only
export the libgcc_eh functions?  I must have a misunderstanding somewhere. 
Also, I have been unable to verify your explanation.  In my current build

/gnu/gcc/obj-ng-fix $ nm prev-i686-pc-cygwin/libgcc/libgcc.a  | grep " T " | cu
t -d' ' -f3 > static-lib.txt
/gnu/gcc/obj-ng-fix $ nm prev-i686-pc-cygwin/libgcc/shlib/libgcc_s.dll.a  | gre
p " T " | cut -d' ' -f3 > import-lib.txt
/gnu/gcc/obj-ng-fix $ cat static-lib.txt import-lib.txt | sort | uniq -d | wc
     60      60     713
/gnu/gcc/obj-ng-fix $ cat static-lib.txt import-lib.txt | sort | uniq -u | wc
     37      37     812
/gnu/gcc/obj-ng-fix $

there are 60 common functions and 37 unique ones - the unique ones are indeed
the contents of libgcc_eh, plus these:


which are only in the static libs at all.

  Should I have understood you to mean that only the API-stable symbols are not
duplicated?  Or only the EH-related symbols?




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