------- Comment #2 from mikael at gcc dot gnu dot org  2008-12-30 14:04 -------
without derived types:

program gfcbu84_main
! use gfcbug84
  implicit none
  integer           :: jplev, k_lev
  real :: p(42)
  real, pointer :: q(:)
  jplev = 42
  k_lev = 1
  allocate (q(jplev))
  call tq_tvgh (q(k_lev:), p(k_lev:))

  elemental subroutine tq_tvgh (t, p)
    real ,intent (out)            :: t
    real ,intent (in)             :: p
  end subroutine tq_tvgh
end program gfcbu84_main

The bound temporaries (D.1559,D.1560) are used before being defined. 

    integer(kind=8) D.1560;
    integer(kind=8) D.1559;
    integer(kind=8) D.1558;
    real(kind=4)[0:] * D.1557;

    D.1563 = (integer(kind=8)) k_lev;
    D.1564 = q.dim[0].ubound;
    parm.2.dtype = 281;
    D.1566 = q.dim[0].stride;
    parm.2.dim[0].lbound = 1;
    parm.2.dim[0].ubound = (1 - D.1563) + D.1564;
    parm.2.dim[0].stride = NON_LVALUE_EXPR <D.1566>;
    parm.2.data = (void *) &(*(real(kind=4)[0:] *) q.data)[(D.1563 -
q.dim[0].lbound) * D.1566];
    parm.2.offset = 0;
    D.1569 = D.1560 - D.1559;
    atmp.3.dtype = 281;
    atmp.3.dim[0].stride = 1;
    atmp.3.dim[0].lbound = 0;
    atmp.3.dim[0].ubound = D.1569;
    D.1559 = (integer(kind=8)) k_lev;
    D.1560 = q.dim[0].ubound;

My commit is probably the culprit (what else?), but I don't understand how it
could be.


mikael at gcc dot gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
   Target Milestone|---                         |4.4.0


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