------- Comment #22 from jakub at gcc dot gnu dot org  2008-12-19 15:02 -------
1) doesn't exist on the trunk, 2) fixed there.
Both 1) and 2) need still fixing on 4.3 branch, a backport of
r142834 should cure 2), 1) needs a separate patch.


jakub at gcc dot gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Known to fail|                            |4.3.2
      Known to work|                            |4.4.0
            Summary|[4.4 Regression] libgcj_bc  |[4.3 Regression] ecj1 linked
                   |for 4.3 and 4.4 are binary  |against both -lgcj and -
                   |incompatible but have the   |lgcj_bc
                   |same SONAME                 |


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