------- Comment #9 from jakub at gcc dot gnu dot org 2008-12-16 12:08 ------- Indeed, -O2 -fpic returns 2, -O2 -fpic -fno-dse returns 0. The difference between the two are just 4 successful replace_read changes, like: movq %rdx, 224(%rsp) # D.4704, proper_r - shrq $32, %rdx #, proper_r$den_ + movl 228(%rsp), %edx # proper_r.den_, proper_r$den_ (- is without -fno-dse, + is with -fno-dse). These look good, unless the original %rdx is needed somewhere else. I'll try to debug this.
-- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=37922