------- Comment #19 from tsyvarev at ispras dot ru  2008-12-05 11:08 -------
It seems that C++ standard contains contradiction about thousands separator in
"C" locale:, p1 says:

The instantiations required in Table 51 (, namely numpunct<wchar_t>
and numpunct<char>, provide classic “C” numeric formats, i.e. they contain
information equivalent to that contained in the “C” locale or their wide
character counterparts as if obtained by a call to widen.

also, p.2 says:

char_type do_thousands_sep() const;

Returns: A character for use as the digit group separator. The required
instantiations return ’,’ or L’,’.

It appears, that according to C++ standard, thousands separator for "C" locale
is ','.

But according to the ISO standard of "C"("POSIX") locale (Section 7.3, Locale
Definition), thousands separator in this locale should be '\0', which means N/A
or not assigned.

Or is this reasoning wrong?


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           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |tsyvarev at ispras dot ru


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