------- Comment #7 from jvdelisle at gcc dot gnu dot org  2008-12-04 05:32 
I am holding off on committing the patch.

With this test case I have found a nasty problem:

! { dg-do run }
! PR38291 Rejects I/O with POS= if FMT=*
character(15) :: sAccess
character(1) :: instr
open(50, access="stream", form="formatted")
write(50, *, pos=1) "Just something"
read( 50, *,pos=7)
inquire(50, access=sAccess)
if (sAccess.ne."STREAM") call abort

With the patch submitted to list, I get unstable execution. Sometimes errors
with -m32, sometimes with -m64, Sometimes one execution to the next.  I do not
know if this is a latent bug or one introduced by the patch.  I suspect latent
because this is the first time we actually are using dtp->pos even though it
has been in the dtp structure.  Here is a sample output:

$ gfc streamio_16.f90 
$ ./a.out 
At line 7 of file streamio_16.f90 (unit = 50, file = 'fort.50')
Fortran runtime error: End of file
$ ./a.out 
$ ./a.out 
At line 7 of file streamio_16.f90 (unit = 50, file = 'fort.50')
Fortran runtime error: End of file
$ ./a.out 
$ ./a.out 
At line 7 of file streamio_16.f90 (unit = 50, file = 'fort.50')
Fortran runtime error: End of file



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