------- Comment #16 from paolo dot carlini at oracle dot com  2008-11-01 18:48 
(In reply to comment #15)
> But the second patch is also not correct...

I don't see why.

> If run test in the second attachment, in the second testcase(falsename -
> "false", "truename" - true, input - "false") eofbit flag won't be set(it is
> right). But in the third testcase(input is "true") implementation set eofbit
> flag.

Your testcase passes, three PASS in the output.

> Problem is that __lim cannot be used as stopper for the cycle, because target
> sequences have different lenght.

Indeed, the other tests at the end of the for trigger in that case (different

> Later I'll try to write more presize test, and may try to write patch.

Yes, we need a testcase.



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