------- Comment #1 from paolo dot carlini at oracle dot com  2008-10-30 16:07 
(In reply to comment #0)
> It seems that implementation always set str.eofbit when after call of the
> function (in == end).
> But standard states(, p16) that this flag should be set only when:
> "if, when seeking another character to match, it is found that (in == end)" 
> (on
> success)
> or "if the reason for the failure was that (in == end)" (on fail)
> This conditions are not the same as simply (in == end).

Frankly, I don't get it. In my reading of the standard, either when val is set
or val is not set, when in == end at the end then we have eofbit. Maybe you
should simply attach a testcase where the behavior is incorrect, the provided
one is fine (and consistent with the general behavior for numeric parsing).



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