
I'm trying to ask a new feature for gcc rater than reporting bugs now...
Missing this feature is more pressing on flash type microcontroller platforms 
like (more and more types of) low pin count ARM core (ARM7, Cortex-M3), 
Atmel/AVR and similars. However, more or less all the embedded area is involved.

It's known it's suboptimal to duplicate string constants at RAM for runtime. 
The main reason for my using iccavr rather than avrgcc is the ugly form of 
"sprintf(buf,PSTR("StringInProgramstore"));" instead of regular 

It would be very easy to remove this drawback by having some command line 
switch (tickbox on GUI's) arranging the default storage for string constants. 
Tick box name can be e.g. "strings remain in program store" or "strings in 
program store only".

This problem belongs to Harward/Neumann architecture difference rather than 
using nonvolatile memories so it might be benefical for any non-flash type (but 
still Harward) processors like DSP's, OMAP, etc. as well.

What about including this feature in mainline gcc?

Best regards,


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