Remarks on manual Gfortran -------------------------- (Page numbers and such refer to the PDF-file available online at 19 september 2008)
General remarks --------------- 1. Section on distributing programs is missing: What is needed if you have created a product to distribute it to customers? (Either with or without sources) 2. Section on floating-point issues is missing: How do the compile options influence the floating-point behaviour? What is the treatment of special values such as Inf and Nan? What happens with atan2(0,0)? 3. POSIX-type extensions in the language reference: No particular information is given how the various functions (SYMLNK for instance or STAT) work (or do not work) on a non-POSIX system like MS Windows. Specific remarks ---------------- Missing words indicated as _words_ Superfluous words indicated as /words/ Page 1. (bullet 2) because _it_ is easy to make ... (bullet 3) The Fortran 90 _standard_ requires Sentence: "When writing Fortran, it is easy to make big mistakes That is not a very encouraging statement, it is also not inherent to Fortran (but rather to programming in general) and it adds no information. Just remove it. Page 7. -Wall: I have seen at least one version of Gfortran that said (with --help) "This option lacks documentation" or similar words. Version "4.3.2-tdm-1 for MinGW" does not list it at all Page 8. -fall-intrinsics: The explanation is not very clear, in my opinion: it accepts all intrinsic procedures without regard to -std, but it is very useful with -std=f95? The next sentence I had to read it two or three times. Perhaps something like: This option causes all intrinsic procedures (including the GNU-specific extensions) to be accepted. Any user-defined procedures with the same name are ignored. -fd-lines-as-* What is the default? (-fd-lines-as-comments, I suppose) -fdefault-double-8 etc: Does this have any influence on selected_real_kind() or kind(1.0), etc.? Page 15. -Wextra: This flag does not appear in the documentation, other than under -Wunused-parameter Page 16. are likely to /to/ trigger Page 17. -static-libgfortran: When would you use this flag? Would it make distribution easier? Page 20. -founds-check: _Note:_ In the future Page 23. 3.5 GFORTRAN_TMPDIR On Windows I have had severe problems with temporary files opened from a C program (tmpfile()): Files were opened on the root directory of a network disk - which was prohibited, of course. How is that taken care of in Gfortran? Page 29. -fshort-enums should not be "hyphenated". Page 31. TYPESPEC(k): Please replace the sentence explaining k by something like the following, to stress that the _numerical_ value of k is platform-dependent: "where k is the kind parameter suitable for the intended precision. As kind parameters are implementation-dependent, use the kind(), selected_int_kind() and selected_real_kind() functions to retrieve the correct value, for instance: REAL*8 x can be replaced by: integer, parameter :: dbl = kind(1.0d0) real(dbl) :: x" Page 38. "to the existence of an important number of extensions:" Shouldn't that be: "to the existence of a number of important extensions" Page 39. (comment) manipulates -> manipulate Page 41. ABORT: produces a coredump even if -fno-dump-core is in effect? ABS: COMPLEX(8) return type - shouldn't that be REAL(8)? ACCESS: how is the executable flag determined on MS Windows? ACOS: that is less than _or equal to_ one ADJUSTL: the standard that introduced it is Fortran 90, but perhaps this is too detailed. ALLOCATED: if (allocated(x) .eqv. .false.) ... This is an ugly style and actually a misuse of .eqv., use instead: if (.not. allocated(x)) ... ASIN: see ACOS ASSOCIATED: Is it still possible that association status of a pointer is undefined? I thought Fortran 95 solved that monstrum? If I understand it correctly, the return value of associated(p,a) is always false if a is a zero-sized array? BIT_SIZE: ... by the type of I. _The result bit_size() is independent of the actual value of I._ BTEST: ... I is set. The counting of the bits starts at 0. CHDIR: does it change the disk drive on Windows automatically? So that CALL CHDIR( "C:/" ) succeeds? COSH: for real argument x, cosh(x) >= 1 COUNT: scaler -> scalar. The range formatting is wrong: 1/leqDIM/leqn Note: scaler occurs more often, and the range formatting too CSHIFT: range formatting wrong, "scaler" DIGITS: significant _binary_ digits DOT_PRODUCT: "scaler" EOSHIFT: "scaler" (2x) and range formatting EPSILON: replace by: EPSILON(X) returns the smallest number E of the same kind as X such that 1+E is not equal to 1. GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT: Is LENGTH independent of the buffer used (so that you can use it to check that all of the argument was retrieved)? retrival -> retrieval positiv -> positive GMTIME: This is missing a reference to the standard routine DATE_AND_TIME (I think it would be good to mention the standard routines for all date and time related GNU-specific intrinsics). IDATE: "Does not return"? This text appears more often with subroutines, but is only correct for ABORT and EXIT. As subroutines have no return values, perhaps leave out that part? LOG: What is the imaginary part for complex arguments? LOG_GAMMA: Allows negative values like -0.5? MAXLOC: MAXLOC does _not_ return a scalar if the array is of rank 1: This program fails to compile: Incompatible ranks 0 and 1 in assignment ! maxlocp.f90 -- ! Check the return value of maxloc for a one-dimensional array ! program maxlocp integer :: pos real, dimension(10) :: x call random_number( x ) pos = maxloc(x) write(*,*) pos end program maxlocp MAXVAL: Replace "...the result is the most negative number" by "... the result is -HUGE(ARRAY)" MINLOC: see MAXLOC PRODUCT: formatting error - RESULT = ... ]) RESULT = ... RANDOM_NUMBER: Does each run of the program produce the _same_ or a different sequence? (Perhaps a clue as to how to guarantee the same sequence is used?) SELECTED_REAL_KIND: return -> returns "greater" is superfluous SIGNAL: There is no information on the interface for the signal handler. Does it take any parameters? STAT: Function form missing Page 169. Vertical spacing between C_FUNLOC and C_LOC Page 170. (CHARACTER(KIND=C_CHAR) lacks a closing paren. -- Summary: Remarks on user manual for Gfortran Product: gcc Version: 4.4.0 Status: UNCONFIRMED Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: fortran AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org ReportedBy: arjen dot markus at wldelft dot nl