------- Comment #3 from burnus at gcc dot gnu dot org  2008-09-19 10:12 -------
program test
  real, pointer :: a(:), b(:)
  a(:) => b(:)
end program test

That program is invalid.

R735 pointer-assignment-stmt
       is data-pointer-object [ (bounds-spec-list) ] => data-target
       or data-pointer-object (bounds-remapping-list ) => data-target

The remapping on the LHS is in principle OK, however, the lower bound is

R737 bounds-spec       is lower-bound-expr :
R738 bounds-remapping  is lower-bound-expr : upper-bound-expr

For pointer bounds-remapping, see PR 29785.

 * * *

program test
  integer, pointer :: a(:),b(:)
  a(1) => b(1)
end program test

This is also invalid as "(1)" is not an array bound (neither
lower-bound:upper-bound nor a "lower-bound:") but a single element. As "A" is a
pointer to an array (and not an array of pointers) this is invalid.

 * * *

I marked this as regression, but it is not a true regression as it was before
only rejected because bound-specs where not allowed at all in earlier gfortran


burnus at gcc dot gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEW
     Ever Confirmed|0                           |1
           Keywords|                            |accepts-invalid, ice-on-
                   |                            |invalid-code
   Last reconfirmed|0000-00-00 00:00:00         |2008-09-19 10:12:15
               date|                            |
            Summary|invalid code accepted       |[4.3/4.4 Regression] Accepts
                   |without notice              |"pointer(:) => target"
                   |                            |without lower bound


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