------- Comment #4 from dodji at gcc dot gnu dot org  2008-09-10 14:50 -------
At PDF page 115, 5.16.6 (conditional operator), the standard says:

"Lvalue-to-rvalue (4.1), array-to-pointer (4.2), and function-to-pointer (4.3)
standard conversions are performed on the second and third operands. After
those conversions, one of the following shall hold:"

— The second and third operands have the same type; the result is of that type.

— The second and third operands have arithmetic or enumeration type; the usual
arithmetic conversions are performed to bring them to a common type, and the
result is of that type.


We should actualy fall into the case of "the second and third operands have
arithmetic or enumeration type ...", but we are not. And that is the bug, I

Instead, we are considering earlier that arg2 and arg3 have the same type --
which I believe is not true. We are considering that because the condition
if (real_lvalue_p (arg2)                                                     
      && real_lvalue_p (arg3)                                                  
      && same_type_p (arg2_type, arg3_type))                                   
is true.

We are considering that arg2 and arg3 have the same type because we think
same_type_p (arg2_type, arg3_type) should be enough to determine their type
equality. But in this particular case, it's not because arg2_type and arg3_type
lost the information about the bit-field type and size of arg2 and arg3.



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