------- Comment #12 from petermorgan at grapevine dot net dot au  2008-09-02 
22:45 -------
Subject: Re:  gfortran errors in compilation
 and the making for upgraded compilers

I have attached a distro copy of kf, the parent module, it contains the 

                        !             !          !        !
                   includes                       blsum
!           !
                                              tssum.f     tssum.h

I also attach a distro copy of the libraries which is where the library
kinv_lib.a resides

              !                      !                           !
     Makefile.config                                 matrix
                                      !              !                   

Makefile.config is where we set all the machine and system dependencies 
that are specific to our needs. The location of the X-development 
libraries and the compiler options are set here. X86_64 stuff is one of 
our current issues and so my Makefile.config is now a little different. 
Recommend defaults if you need to answer or modify stuff here.

I have also attached the install software script and the com libraries  
to complete the info. The com libraries are where the make_gamit and 
make_kf scripts are located. You do not need to make gamit. It is 
independent of kf but both packages access the libraries and other 
common facilities.

This may be overload to you so I will see if I can get a cut down 
version for you.


sgk at troutmask dot apl dot washington dot edu wrote:
> ------- Comment #11 from sgk at troutmask dot apl dot washington dot edu  
> 2008-09-02 16:57 -------
> Subject: Re:  gfortran errors in compilation and the making for upgraded
> compilers
> On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 12:11:23PM -0000, petermorgan at grapevine dot net dot
> au wrote:
>> gfortran -O -Wuninitialized -fno-automatic -fno-backslash tssum.f  
>> ../gen_util/gen_util_lib.a ../../libraries/matrix/kinv_lib.a 
>> ../../libraries/comlib/com_lib.a  -o tssum
>> tssum.f: In function 'remove_ejmp':
>> tssum.f:712: internal compiler error: in set_uids_in_ptset, at 
>> tree-ssa-structalias.c:4789
> I cannot reproduce this problem with
> troutmask:sgk[225] gfortran42 --version
> GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.2.5 20080702 (prerelease)
> troutmask:sgk[226] gfortran43 --version
> GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.3.2 20080717 (prerelease)
> troutmask:sgk[227] gfc4x --version
> GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.4.0 20080829 (experimental) [trunk revision 139774]
> Of coures, I can only do a compile test because I do not
> have the source code for the kinv_lib.a so I can't link
> a final executable. 
> Can you email me off-list a gzipped tar ball of all the need files?

*                                     *
*  Peter and Carol Morgan             *
*  20 Goodparla St                    *
*  Hawker, ACT, 2614                  *
*  Australia                          *
*                                     *
* Home Phone      +61 (0)2 6254 0137  *
* Peter's Mobile  +61 (0)4 1854 0137  *
*                                     *
*                                     *


# Script to install GAMIT and GLOBK, starting from compressed tarfiles
# of the directories.   R. King 21 August 1996.  
# Last changed by S. McClusky 29 Septebmer 2000 
# Last changed by R. King 3 October 2000
# Last changed for incremental updates by S. McClusky and R. King 27 February

##################### SET UP DEFAULTS #############################   
set mypath = `pwd`
set compiler = ''
set install_exe = 'no'
set exe_files = ''
set help = 'no'

##################### DECIPHER COMMAND LINE #######################   
while ($#argv > 0 )
  set input = ( $argv )
    case -h*:
      set help = yes 
    case -c:
      set compiler = $argv[2] 
    case -exe:
       set install_exe='yes'
  if ( $#argv > 0 ) shift argv
##################### GET THE JOB DONE ############################
# Any help required
if ( $help == 'yes') then 
  echo "The install_software script will install the GAMIT/GLOBK software in:
  echo "Prior to running this script the user must have downloaded the
gamit/globk distribution."
  echo " "
  echo "Options accepted by install_software are:"
  echo " "
  echo "-c compiler"
  echo "-exe"
  echo " "
  echo "Where :-"
  echo "       -c compiler is set only if the user does NOT want to build "
  echo "       the GAMIT/GLOBK software using the default gfortran compiler,"
  echo "       but instead using some other compiler . The file "
  echo "       ${mypath}/libraries/Makefile.config MUST still be "
  echo "       modified manually to reflect this new compiler selection and "
  echo "       the necessary compiler flags. "
  echo " "
  echo "       -exe is used if the user wants to only install the precompiled
executables "
  echo "       and necessary auxillary files needed to run GAMIT and GLOBK. "

# Unpack distribution and ask the user some setup questions. 
echo " "
echo GAMIT and GLOBK to be installed into $mypath  
echo " "
echo "If you need help with command line options type CTL_C now and type "
echo "install_software -help on the command line"
echo "  "
echo "The compressed tarfiles will be removed after extraction of the "
echo "directories, but except for that, the script may be stopped and"
echo "rerun safely from any point.  Tarfiles to be uncompressed:" 
echo " "  
set files = `ls *.Z *.gz *.tar | grep -v "incremental_updates" | grep -v "exe"`
echo "    $files"
echo " "    
echo "Continue ? (y/n)"
set ans = $<
if ( $ans == '' ) set ans = 'y'
if ( $ans == 'n' ) exit

echo " "
echo ".. uncompressing and extracting the directories:"
echo " "  
foreach f ($files)
   if ( -e $f ) then 
     if ( $f:e == 'Z' ) then
       zcat $f | tar -xvf -  
     else if ( $f:e == 'gz' ) then
       gunzip -c $f | tar -xvf -
     else if ( $f:e == 'tar' ) then
       tar -xvf $f
       echo "Unknown file type $f NOT extracted"
     \rm -f $f 

# Apply incremental updates if required
set inc_updates_file = ''
set inc_updates_file = `ls incremental_updates*.Z incremental_updates*.gz
incremental_updates*.tar |& grep -v "No match"`
if ( $#inc_updates_file > 0 ) then
  echo " "
  echo "Do you want to apply incremental updates: $inc_updates_file"
  echo "Continue ? (y/n)"
  set ans = $<
  if ( $ans == '' ) set ans = 'y'
  if ( $ans == 'y' ) then
    echo ".. applying incremental updates:"
    foreach f ($inc_updates_file)
      if ( -e $f ) then 
        if ( $f:e == 'Z' ) then
          zcat $f | tar -xvf -  
        else if ( $f:e == 'gz' ) then
          gunzip -c $f | tar -xvf -
        else if ( $f:e == 'tar' ) then
          tar -xvf $f
          echo "Unknown file type $f NOT extracted"
        \rm -f $f 

#Install executables if requested.
if ( $install_exe == "yes" ) then
  echo "Installing precompiled gamit and globk executables into ${mypath}/bin"
  set exe_files = `ls *exe*.Z *exe*.gz *exe*.tar |& grep -v "No match"`
  if ( $#exe_files > 0 ) then
    echo "Executable files to be installed are: $exe_files"
    mkdir bin
    pushd bin
    foreach f ($exe_files)
      if ( -e ../$f ) then 
        if ( ../$f:e == '../Z' ) then
          zcat ../$f | tar -xvf -  
        else if ( ../$f:e == '../gz' ) then
          gunzip -c ../$f | tar -xvf -
        else if ( ../$f:e == '../tar' ) then
          tar -xvf ../$f
          echo "Unknown file type $f NOT extracted"
        \rm -f $f 
    echo "No executable tar files found in ${mypath} directory. Stopping

# Allow the user to check that the correct gfortran compiler flag options are
  if ( $compiler != '' ) then
    echo " "
    echo "================================"  
    echo "Using compiler option: $compiler" 
    echo "================================"
    echo " "
    echo "Have you checked that the compiler flag options in the assignment
block "
    echo "of the ./libraries/Makefile.config for your particular hardware/OS
type "
    echo "are correctly set for gfortran? "
    echo " "
    echo "If NOT stop now, and make the compiler flag options assignment block
for your"
    echo "particular hardware/OS type in ./libraries/Makefile.config. the same
as the"
    echo "compiler flag options assignment block for Linux. (Only the 4 lines
    echo "compilers and compiler flags need to be modified)."
    echo " "    
    echo "Continue ? (y/n)"
    set ans = $<
    if ( $ans == '' ) set ans = 'y'
    if ( $ans == 'n' ) exit

  echo " "  
  echo ".. adding $mypath/com to your search path to continue installation"
  set path = ($mypath/com $path)
  echo " "
  echo "To execute GAMIT and GLOBK you will need to set your login path to"
  echo "include $mypath/com $mypath/gamit/bin $mypath/kf/bin "     
  echo " "
  echo "You will also need the alias or link gg --> $mypath"
  echo " " 

  set system = `uname -a | awk '{print $1, $3}'`  
  set awktype = `which awk | awk '{print $NF}'`  
  echo ' '
  echo 'Your Operating System type is:' $system[1]
  echo 'Your default awk version is:' $awktype
  if ( $system[1] == "SunOS" ) then
    set posixawk = `echo POSIX | awk -v temp=$awktype '{print $1}'`  
    if ( $posixawk != 'POSIX' ) then 
      echo 'When using Solaris GAMIT/GLOBK scripts require POSIX standard
/usr/xpg4/bin/awk '
      echo 'On Solaris, the standard awk in /usr/bin is not POSIX-compliant so
you must, ' 
      echo 'force use of  /usr/xpg4/bin/awk.  This can be done by putting a
link into '
      echo '/gamit/bin and making sure that /gamit/bin precedes /usr/bin in
your path.'
      echo 'You must use a link rather than an alias in .cshrc because when you
execute ' 
      echo 'a script with the -f option your .cshrc is not sourced, so the
script is run ' 
      echo 'using a default shell. '

  set conf = libraries/Makefile.config
  set conf_xlibpath = (`grep -v "#" $conf | grep "X11LIBPATH" | cut -d" " -f2`) 
  set conf_xincpath = (`grep -v "#" $conf | grep "X11INCPATH" | cut -d" " -f2`) 
  echo " "
  echo "These are the default paths to X11 found in Makefile.config"
  echo "X11LIBPATH: $conf_xlibpath"
  echo "X11INCPATH: $conf_xincpath"
  echo " "
  echo "Searching your system for X11 installation"
  set xincpath = `find /usr -name Xlib.h   -print |& grep -v Permission | awk
-F/ '{for (i=2;i<=NF-1;i++) printf "%s","/"$i; printf "\n"}'` >& /dev/null 
  set xlibpath = `find /usr -name libX11.a -print |& grep -v Permission | awk
-F/ '{for (i=2;i<=NF-1;i++) printf "%s","/"$i; printf "\n"}'` >& /dev/null
  echo "Found these paths to X11 libs and includes on your system"
  echo "X11LIBPATH:  $xlibpath"
  echo "X11INCPATH:  $xincpath"
  echo " "
  if ( $#xlibpath > 1 || $#xincpath > 1 ) then
    echo 'Found multiple paths to X11. I dont know which to choose.'
    echo "You should set X11LIBPATH X11INCPATH in the Makefile.config
    echo " "
    set ans = n
    goto skip
  echo 'Are these correct for your system?'
  echo "Continue? (y/n)"
  set ans = $< 
  if ( $ans == '' ) set ans = 'y'
  if ( $ans == 'y') then
    set n = `grep -n "X11LIBPATH" $conf | grep -v "#" | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
    @ n = $n - 1
    head -n +$n $conf >! ${conf}.new
    echo "X11LIBPATH $xlibpath" >> ${conf}.new 
    @ n = $n + 2
    tail -n +$n $conf >> ${conf}.new
    \mv ${conf}.new ${conf}      

    set n = `grep -n "X11INCPATH" $conf | grep -v "#" | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
    @ n = $n - 1
    head -n +$n $conf >! ${conf}.new
    echo "X11INCPATH $xincpath" >> ${conf}.new 
    @ n = $n + 2
    tail -n +$n $conf >> ${conf}.new
    \mv ${conf}.new ${conf}

  else if ( $ans == 'n' ) then
    echo 'Are the defaults found in Makefile.config correct?'
    echo 'If NOT edit the Makefile.config now before choosing to contine' 
    echo "Continue? (y/n)"
    set ans = $<
    if ( $ans == '' ) set ans = 'y'
    if ( $ans == 'n' ) then
      echo "You need to go and edit the Makefile.config by hand"

  echo " "        
  set maxsit = `grep "MAXSIT" $conf`; shift maxsit
  set maxsat = `grep "MAXSAT" $conf`; shift maxsat
  set maxatm = `grep "MAXATM" $conf`; shift maxatm
  set maxepc = `grep "MAXEPC" $conf`; shift maxepc  
  echo "GAMIT dimensions in /libraries/Makefile.config are set to "  
  echo "  maxsit = " $maxsit
  echo "  maxepc = " $maxepc
  echo "  maxatm = " $maxatm
  echo "  maxsat = " $maxsat
  echo " "
  echo 'Are these defaults found in Makefile.config correct?'
  echo 'If NOT edit the Makefile.config now before choosing to contine' 
  echo "Continue ? (y/n)"
  set ans = $<
  if ( $ans == '' ) set ans = 'y'
  if ( $ans == 'n' ) exit

  echo " "
  echo "  .. removing any existing Makefiles or archive files from libraries
  rmfresh -p $mypath -d libraries -M -ao   

  echo " "
  echo "  .. removing any existing Makefiles or archive files from gamit
  rmfresh -p $mypath -d gamit -M  -ao
  echo " "
  echo "  .. making libraries and gamit"
  make_gamit $mypath $compiler 
  if( $status != 0 ) then
    echo "Failure in make_gamit -- install_software terminated" 

  echo " "
  echo "  .. removing any existing Makefiles or archive files from kf
  rmfresh -p $mypath -d  kf -M -ao
  echo " "
  echo "  .. making globk modules in kf directories"
  make_globk $mypath  $compiler
  if( $status != 0 ) then
    echo "Failure in make_globk -- install_software terminated"   
#Finish up by guiding the user through required environment settings required.
echo "Create the gg link in your home directory to the version of "
echo "gamit/globk you just installed ? (y/n)"
echo " "    
set ans = $<
if ( $ans == '' ) set ans = 'y'
if ( $ans == 'y' ) then
  echo 'Making required ~/gg link to newly installed software'
  echo "ln -s -f ${mypath} ~/gg"
  \rm -rf ~/gg
  ln -s -f ${mypath} ~/gg
  echo " "
if ( $install_exe == "yes" ) then
  echo "Don't forget to set your : path to include $mypath/bin" 
  echo "Don't forget to set your : path to include $mypath/gamit/bin and
$mypath/kf/bin " 
echo "                         : HELP_DIR environment variable in you shell
echo "                           (in .cshrc/.tcshrc add: setenv HELP_DIR
echo "                         : INSTITUTE evnironment variable in your shell
echo "                           (in your .cshrc/.tcshrc add: setenv INSTITUTE
echo "                           where_i_work is a 3 character identifier for
your solutions"




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