------- Comment #3 from jaworski at autograf dot pl 2008-08-31 20:14 ------- Subject: Re: no output when use wcout and cout, wrong utf16 -> utf8 conversion
> currently, by > default, cout, wcout, etc, are non-converting in our implementation. Very strange.... uft16->utf8 conversion seems be very easy, and required for proper output on contemporary Linux. I don't know what special info is required if utf16 and utf8 is the same stadard. But some strange conversion is performed because the output is not utf16 nor utf8 - so what is the output's format? It is some your own format? Is there any reason for this? I want to use uft16 because I don't want care of some codings. I expect that it works straightforward. So, what I should do? Create utf8 coding? In my example I do this because utf8 is default settings in my system, but it doesn't work. Should I choose polish locale? But when I create polish locale, and some day I will add russian translation, what will happen then? In my opinion it isn't Unicode way! I think, that Unicode mind no care about character codding. Jacek Jaworski -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=37298