------- Comment #1 from ubizjak at gmail dot com  2008-08-24 11:26 -------
Please look at the asm dump (add -S to compile flags) for following lines:

.globl iint
        .align 4
        .type   iint, @object
        .size   iint, 4
        .zero   4
        .comm   iarr,256,32              <<<< this one

alternatively, you can use -fno-common:

.globl iarr
        .align 32                   <<<< alignment
        .type   iarr, @object
        .size   iarr, 256
        .zero   256

In above dump (linux target) iarr is aligned to 32bytes. Does cygwin aligns
.comm variables to multiplies of 16 bytes?


ubizjak at gmail dot com changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
          Component|c                           |target
            Summary|Invalid XMM instructions    |[cygwin] Invalid alignment
                   |generated with -O3          |for SSE store to .comm data
                   |                            |generated with -O3


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