------- Comment #4 from jakub at gcc dot gnu dot org  2008-06-02 20:15 -------
Here is a testcase that can be run, unfortunately during the simplification the
incorrect behavior changed from the stack pointer increasing in each iteration
by 16 bytes into decreasing in each iteration by 4 bytes.  That's wrong too of

// { dg-options "-Os -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpic -fno-inline" }

extern "C"
  struct FILE;
  extern FILE *stderr;
  extern int fprintf (FILE *, const char *, ...);

  struct R { int r1; unsigned short r2[1]; };
  int bar1 (unsigned short *, int, short) throw ();
  void bar2 (R *) throw ();
  void bar3 (R **, const unsigned short *, int) throw ();
  void bar4 (R **, const char *) throw ();
struct S
  R *s;
  struct T { };
  S (R *x, T *) { s = x; }
  ~S () { bar2 (s); }
  S &operator= (const S &x);
  S &operator+= (const S &x);
  S sfn1 (const S &x) const;
  friend S operator+ (const S &x1, const S &x2);
  static S sfn2 (int i)
    unsigned short q[33];
    R *p = 0;
    bar3 (&p, q, bar1 (q, i, 10));
    return S (p, (T *) 0);
  static S sfn3 (const char *x)
    R *p = 0;
    bar4 (&p, x);
    return S (p, (T *) 0);

struct U { };
template <class C> unsigned char operator >>= (const U &, C &);

struct V;
struct W
  V *w;
  unsigned char is () const;

template <class T> struct X : public W
  inline ~X ();
  X ();
  X (const W &);
  T *operator -> () const;

struct E
  E ();
  E (const S &, const X <V> &);
  E (E const &);
  ~E ();
  E &operator = (E const &);

struct V
  virtual void release () throw ();

template <class T> X <T>::~X ()
  if (w)
    w->release ();

struct Y
  virtual U yfn1 (const S &);

struct Z;

X <V> baz1 (const S &) throw (E);
X <Z> baz2 (const X <Z> &) throw (E);

template <typename T> X<T>::X ()
  w = __null;

template <typename T> X<T>::X (W const &)
  w = __null;

U Y::yfn1 (const S &)
  throw 12;

Y y;

template <typename T> T *X<T>::operator -> () const
  return &y;

X <V> baz1 (const S &) throw (E)
  return X<V> ();

E::E ()

E::~E ()

X <Z> baz2 (const X <Z> &) throw (E)
  throw E ();

int bar1 (unsigned short *, int, short) throw ()
  asm volatile ("" : : : "memory");
  return 0;

void bar2 (R *) throw ()
  asm volatile ("" : : : "memory");

void bar3 (R **, const unsigned short *, int) throw ()
  asm volatile ("" : : : "memory");

void bar4 (R **, const char *) throw ()
  asm volatile ("" : : : "memory");

unsigned char W::is () const
  return 1;

S &S::operator += (const S &)
  return *this;

template <class C> unsigned char operator >>= (const U &, C &)
  throw 1;

template X<Y>::X ();
template X<Z>::X ();
template unsigned char operator >>= (const U &, X<Z> &);
template X<Y>::X (W const &);

template Y *X<Y>::operator-> () const;

X <Z> foo () throw ()
  X <Z> a;
  X <Y> b;
    b = X <Y> (baz1 (S::sfn3 ("defg")));
  catch (E &)
  if (b.is ())
      for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++)
          S c = S::sfn3 ("abcd");
          c += S::sfn2 (n);
          X <Z> d;
            fprintf (stderr, "trying %d\n", n);
            if ((b->yfn1 (c) >>= d))
              if (d.is ())
                  fprintf (stderr, "failure1 on %d\n", n);
                  a = baz2 (d);
                  if (a.is ())
              fprintf (stderr, "failure2 on %d\n", n);
          catch (...)
            void *p;
            asm volatile ("movl %%esp, %0" : "=r" (p));
            fprintf (stderr, "caught %d %p\n", n, p);
  return a;

main ()
  foo ();
  return 0;



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