------- Comment #3 from fxcoudert at gcc dot gnu dot org  2008-05-18 14:55 
I have some more information, but it still doesn't make sense. I'm comparing
the codepaths taken in the front-end by:

  implicit none
  character(len=5), dimension(3,3), parameter :: &
    p = reshape(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"], [3,3])
  character(len=5), dimension(3,3) :: m1
  m1 = p
  print '(18A)', spread (m1, 1, 2)//"z"


  implicit none
  character(len=5), dimension(3,3), parameter :: &
    p = reshape(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"], [3,3])
  print '(18A)', spread (p, 1, 2)//"z"

In both cases, we end up twice in gfc_resolve_spread, but while for a
non-parameter array, we always give the return type its correct rank (f->rank =
3), for the paramater array, we give it a rank of 2 the second time. That's
because in  check_charlen_present(), the source->rank gets modified from 2 to
1). I don't understand why we do this (someone assumed that we can only have
array parameters with rank 1?)

So, commenting that piece of code there:

Index: iresolve.c
--- iresolve.c  (revision 135395)
+++ iresolve.c  (working copy)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ check_charlen_present (gfc_expr *source)
       source->ts.cl->length =
        gfc_int_expr (source->value.constructor->expr->value.character.length);
-      source->rank = 1;
+      /*source->rank = 1;*/

make that testcase work, but I wonder what else it breaks :)



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