------- Comment #16 from bonzini at gnu dot org  2008-04-01 12:08 -------
> The stage 1 ld works as far as linking the stage 1 gcc which is directly after
> it.  It's only when we get to stage 2 that things break. 

This is a red herring.  stage 1 ld goes through the same relink process, but it
uses the host ld to do that (no problem).  stage 2 ld adds a further
indirection through stage 1's gcc/collect-ld, which is a small script to
discern between when to use prev-ld/ld-new and when to use ld/ld-new; the
presence of a shell script as ld/ld-new, and the fact that the script *uses ld
itself*, is what confuses the gcc/collect-ld script.

So H.J.'s patch in some sense is right, because it fixes the "buggy" script. 
The reason I'd prefer ld to be patched is that H.J.'s fix is a tad brittle and
susceptible to changes in libtool; avoiding the one-time relinking is simpler. 
But OTOH, until the patched ld/Makefile.am goes into a released version there
is no way to bootstrap a gcc+binutils tree. :-(  I'll make up my mind soon.

Anyway, any other problem you have regarding search paths, as I said, a second
bug, and one that should not cause any kind of infinite loop.  We have to fix
that one too, of course, but let's sort out this one first, please.


bonzini at gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         AssignedTo|unassigned at gcc dot gnu   |bonzini at gnu dot org
                   |dot org                     |
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |ASSIGNED
     Ever Confirmed|0                           |1
   Last reconfirmed|0000-00-00 00:00:00         |2008-04-01 12:08:52
               date|                            |


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