------- Comment #6 from rsandifo at nildram dot co dot uk  2008-04-01 08:52 
Subject: Re:  gcc.c-torture/compile/20010226-1.c:22: ICE: in do_output_reload,
at reload1.c:7331

"dave at hiauly1 dot hia dot nrc dot ca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I suppose the assumption in pa.md is that the scratch output reload
>> should be in the same mode as the input operand.
> I think the constraint should be changed from "=&0" to "+&0" to indicate
> that the operand is both read and written.  Possibly, this will fix the
> problem.

Well, "=" is correct for matching operands; "+" isn't.  As I say,
the problem is simply that we have something that is logically an
output value -- (scratch) -- but that does not have a mode.
Changing "=" to "+" wouldn't solve that; the (scratch) would
still be an output value.




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