------- Comment #25 from dominiq at lps dot ens dot fr  2008-02-02 11:09 -------
>From comment #24:

> ... handling the large array constructors by building the array at run time 
> is obviously not fixed yet.

This can be done for

INTEGER :: I(N)=(/(MOD(K,2),K=1,N)/)
INTEGER :: M(N)=(/(MOD(K,2),K=N,1,-1)/)
print *, M(N)

but not when I and M are PARAMETERs: if I am not mistaken PARAMETER defines
constants for the compiler, hence cannot be deferred to run time.  Note that
the above code compiles in few seconds while it takes several hundred seconds

A short term solution could be to improve the error message when the 65535
limit is reached: "Initialization expression didn't reduce" does not point
clearly to this limit. An error (if correct?) such that "Array constructors
cannot have more than 65535 elements" will give a better diagnostic of what's
going wrong.



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