------- Comment #39 from mark at codesourcery dot com  2008-01-04 04:43 -------
Subject: Re:  [4.3 regression] udivdi3 counterproductive,
 unwarranted use

fche at redhat dot com wrote:

>> Downgrading to P4.  We seem to have consensus that this is [not] a GCC 
>> wrong-code
>> bug.
> Yeah, it seems to be a mistaken expectation of -ffreestanding not to
> call libgcc.  Maybe a new option to that effect would help?

I don't think there's a practical, platform-independent way for GCC to
avoid calling libgcc.  On some platforms, it has to do that for pretty
basic operations.  I think we just need to accept that the libgcc API is
part of what's required by the compiler; you could imagine that it is
"as-if" weak definitions of these functions were emitted in every
assembly file by the compiler itself.



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