------- Comment #22 from jvdelisle at gcc dot gnu dot org  2007-12-12 04:34 
Reply to comment #20:

It does not matter since we translate all variable names to lower case.  It
would matter if we used this mechanism to read literal string constants, but we
don't.  I will look that over a bit more before we are all done with this.

I am looking at using l_push_char here instead of save. Tobias. do as you
please.  We can either revert the original patch and get back to this without
time pressure or proceed quickly.  I would prefer to use the l_push mechanism
to reduce duplicative code, but if we do use l_push we have to approach the
matching differently.

With the current patch I am now concerned about hitting EOL or EOF conditions,
since we do not test the character after each read.  For example:

  real , DIMENSION(11) ::foo 
  real :: isfflx
  NAMELIST /nl/ foo
  NAMELIST /nl/ isfflx
  open (10, status="scratch")
  write (10,*) " &nl"
  write (10,*) " foo = 5, 5, 5,"
  write (10,*) " isfflx = infin/"
  rewind (10)
  READ (10, NML = nl, ERR = 9200)
  CLOSE (10)
9200 CALL abort ()
I think this will give an error, but have not had time to check.

Reply to comment #21, we do need to fix parse_real since it is used to



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