------- Comment #29 from pthaugen at gcc dot gnu dot org  2007-10-23 20:29 
    Found another example on PowerPC in the same benchmark that is not fixed by
the checked in patches.  Compiled with -m32 -O2. From the loop in procedure

    revision 126325:

            lfd 0,0(9)       #* ivtmp.277, tmp346
            lfd 13,-8(9)     #, tmp347
            add 9,9,0        # ivtmp.277, ivtmp.277, ivtmp.309
            fsub 0,0,13      # tmp345, tmp346, tmp347
            fmul 0,0,12      # tmp348, tmp345, dtvol.23
            fneg 0,0         # tmp349, tmp348
            stfd 0,0(11)     #* ivtmp.306, tmp349
            add 11,11,10     # ivtmp.306, ivtmp.306, ivtmp.280
            bdnz .L47        #

    revision 126326 (and current mainline):

            lwz 0,48(7)      # <variable>.stride, <variable>.stride
            lfd 0,0(10)      #* ivtmp.277, tmp416
            lfd 13,-8(10)    #, tmp417
            lfd 12,0(5)      # dtvol, dtvol
            add 10,10,6      # ivtmp.277, ivtmp.277, ivtmp.306
            mullw 0,8,0      # tmp409, l, <variable>.stride
            fsub 0,0,13      # tmp415, tmp416, tmp417
            lwz 9,4(7)       # du.offset, du.offset
            lwz 11,0(7)      # du.data, du.data
            fmul 0,0,12      # tmp420, tmp415, dtvol
            fneg 0,0         # tmp422, tmp420
            add 0,0,9        # tmp412, tmp409, du.offset
            addi 8,8,1       # l, l,
            slwi 0,0,3       # tmp413, tmp412,
            stfdx 0,11,0     #, tmp422
            bdnz .L83        #



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