------- Comment #15 from malitzke at metronets dot com 2007-06-22 12:51 ------- > > After you solve that there is that little matter of udivdi3. > udivdi3?
In comment 7 somebody (dcb) remarked about PR31654 (marked duplicate to this bug) was impeding kernel compilation. In comment 10 it was reiterated that the importance of the present bug related to kernel compilation. At least for the x86 kernels I never got to the present bug because with gcc-4.3 there is the ugly fact that a recognized __stupid__ and unwarranted optimization per PR31990 downgraded to less than trivial status as an enhancement in PR32044 is impeding kernel compilation. Great fun (not function). -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=31541